Now it's possible to find every dumpsite in your city, every day.

At Aerbits, we track every illegal dumpsite in your city, every day, and deliver the data that integrates into your existing workflows.

We don't rely on city crews patrolling the streets, and we don't rely on residents reporting dumpsites. We use AI and aerial images to spot dumpsites daily, making clean-up more efficient and cost-effective.

Here's what you need to know

depiction of an illegal dumpsite before being reported, and after city crews found and cleaned it up

We have two levels of service. We can fly drones over your city and deliver daily reports on every illegal dumpsite. Or we can provide the software and training for your team to fly the drones and process the data.

If you prefer to fly your own drones, we can set you up with FAA approved drones for Operations Over People (OOP), a secure SaaS login, including everything you need to find and integrate every dumpsite into your city workflow.

You get daily data on every illegal dumpsite over the entire city. We provide the data in a format that is easy to use and integrate into your existing workflows.

depiction of AI generated bounding boxes around illegal dumpsites

Privacy is Vital

We take privacy very seriously. We don't collect any personal information, and we don't collect any information that can be used to identify individuals. We only collect data on illegal dumpsites, and we only collect data on public property.

depiction of an illegal dumpsite before being reported, and after city crews found and cleaned it up

We use state-of-the-art AI to process images of the entire surface area of your city roads and sidewalks, and we have developed a proprietary process to ensure the data we deliver is accurate and actionable, and does not include private property or personally identifiable information.

Proactive, Not Reactive

Illegal dumping is a problem that is getting worse every year. Cities are spending more and more money on cleanup, and the problem is only getting worse. The current approach is reactive, relying on residents or crew members to find and report dumpsites.

depiction of an illegal dumpsite before being reported, and after city crews found and cleaned it up

Fully Compliant With Regulations

Aerbits is designed to work with FAA approved drones. This drone equipment is designed, tested, and certified by the FAA to be safe for operating over cities, people, and moving vehicles.

aerial view of a city, with AI generated bounding boxes around illegal dumpsites

Full Service or SaaS

Aerbits can provide the full service of flying drones, processing the data, and delivering the reports. Or we can provide the software and training for your team to fly the drones and process the data. You decide.

aerial view of a city, with AI generated bounding boxes around illegal dumpsites

Does It Work?

Yes. In 2022, Aerbits conducted a three month study in San Francisco, CA, and found that by using Aerbits , the city could increase the number of illegal dumpsites reported by 3x, and increase the number of dumpsites cleaned up by 35x. This is a 10x increase in efficiency.

Rachel Gordon, San Francisco Public Works
There certainly is potential in this strategy ... to combat the scourge of trash on our streets...

Empowering Residents

q Residents are the eyes and ears of the city, and they want to help. However, they often don't know how to report illegal dumping, or if they do, they don't know if it will be addressed.

depiction of an illegal dumpsite before being reported, and after city crews found and cleaned it up

Aerbits provides a compliment to resident-led reporting, and gives residents the confidence that their reports will be addressed.

Derek B. Bayview Resident
This is an awesome service
Anastasia W. Bayview Resident
Thanks for helping to keep our neighborhood clean 😊
Rachel S. Bayview Resident
Thank you for your diligent work to help clean up the city.
We don't just help you with illegal dumping. We can help you identify all kinds of issues.
depiction of an illegal dumpsite before being reported, and after city crews found and cleaned it up

We can also help you with many other kinds of issues, with our AI, anything that can be seen from the air, we can detect, report, and track. Give your crews good data. Give your residents confidence that their reports will be addressed. Give your city the tools it needs to be proactive.